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Walk Close with God.

Seven Pathways is a guided meditative journey to help people connect more deeply with God through practical and purposeful ancient spiritual practices found in the Bible.

Seven Pathways Book, Workbook & App

Based on historical spiritual practices such as thanksgiving, silence, confession, song, prayer, Bible Study, and scripture meditation, our Seven Pathways book and companion app will provided you with transformative meditations, guided spiritual practices, and other helpful resources.

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    Find Hope

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  • Slow Down

    Slow Down

    Savour the luxury of silence and anchor your life

  • Renew Your Heart

    Renew Your Heart

    Transform your thoughts, emotions, desires, and affections

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The Gospel of John

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Meet Mary Carmen

Get to know the founder behind Seven Pathways and her unique mission to provide believers, globally, a simple way to strengthen their relationship with God.

What People are Saying About Seven Pathways

“Seven Pathways will impact the world in a similar way as Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God. Spending time with Seven Pathways and in silence before the Lord will deepen your faith and draw you closer to the Lord. Readers will enjoy the journey through the Seven Pathways.”

DR. BILL TAYLORformer director of Sunday School for Lifeway Christian Resources, president of Unlimited Partnerships Inc. author of 21 Truths, Traditions & Trends

“Increased intimacy with God is a goal most Christians desire, but in the busyness of modern life, with a host of distractions and responsibilities, many people are unable to find the time to take the task seriously. In Seven Pathways, she applies and integrates this approach to a modern world, providing practical and duplicatable applications, which can be helpful to anyone.”

GLENN R. KREIDEReditor in chief of Bibliotheca Sacra, Professor of Theological Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary

“In Seven Pathways, Mary Carmen dips her pen into the deep well of her own pain and suffering to write a book of authentic hope, healing, and love–a book that will lift you up, encourage your heart, ease your troubled soul, and provide a pathway (seven, in fact) to the throne of grace.”

REG GRANTThD, chair and senior professor for Department of Media Arts and Worship at Dallas Theological Seminary

“This book offers an honest and refreshing account of trusting God through a difficult season.”

MEGAN ALEXANDERInside Edition and Small Town Christmas Host

“First, a WARNING! This book is way more than you think it is, and it will require way more of you than you may be willing to do. Now a PROMISE. If you walk the path Mary Carmen has laid out, your experience of and intimacy with God will deepen in ways you could not imagine. Her insights are hard earned and thoroughly biblical.”

LLOYD SHADRACHteaching pastor and co-founder of Fellowship Bible Church in Brentwood, TN

“Out of her own pain-filled struggles, Mary Carmen Englert invites us on a journey to peace with God. She encourages us to walk with her to discover and rediscover through Scripture the healing grace of God the Father through Jesus Christ. Through simple spiritual disciplines, she beckons us to a deeper life of meaningfulness and joy.”

DR. J. SCOTT HORRELLretired senior professor of Theological Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary

“Biblically anchored, historically reliable, refreshingly transparent, and deeply practical, Mary Carmen’s Seven Pathways will introduce you to Jesus if you have never met Him or it will reheat your walk with Christ if your love for Him has grown cold. In a day filled with chatter and confusion, Mary Carmen is a reliable guide ready to lead you to a place of rest and clarity through the implementation of the Seven Pathways.”

BARRY CHESNEYPhD, discipleship pastor at Valleydale Church in Birmingham, AL

“Indispensable! If you’re seeking a book that will draw your heart to God through spiritual disciplines, look no further than Seven Pathways. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking to grow in their faith and develop a closer relationship with Christ.”

CHAD KECKPhD, senior pastor at First Baptist Church Kettering, OH

“This book is life-changing! Whether you are going through trials or not, you will not be able to put this book down as you read and re-read through the pathways to make them a part of your life. Mary Carmen has not wasted her suffering but has chosen to rise above it by implementing these tested truths into her own life and allow the great Physician to begin healing her from within. Be ready to be blessed and walk closer with the loving God who heals and restores.”

MORROW LOTZ REITMEIERBaylor University friend, AnGeL Ministries volunteer, Bible study discipler, and marriage mentor

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